H O M E | M E D I A | C A L E N D A R | B I O | A L B U M S | P R E S S | C O N T A C T | L N X |
S O N O F D E S I R E |
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Suffer the masses who feed on his scraps It doesn't matter how many he traps They cannot see that his gospel is filth He sends his armies to gain more wealth Son of desire. Controlled by demons with suits and ties Foolishly thinking that they tell no lies Forced to cater to his vengeful needs Regardless of how many will bleed Son of desire He sleeps in his throne room with his dogs and fools He hasn't known true men since his fathers ruled Weakened backs shatter from the weight of his pride But his jesters are demons. In his ears they have lied He cherishes nothing that he takes for free He keeps on walking while they grasp at his feet Spinelessly noble seeing not what he's done White eyes are reddened dark times have begun Son of desire. |