H O M E | M E D I A | C A L E N D A R | A L B U M S | B I O | P R E S S | C O N T A C T | L N X |
G E T S H I T F A C E D |
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Friday night
I stumble into
Then I go to
Neurolux, when I know I’m out of luck. But, I will not remember it at all.
I drink until I'm
86ed, but I am not done getting ripped. At home, again, I drink until I fall.
Get shit faced!
I wake up with my
pride in stitches. Where the hell are all the bitches? Still I feel the bugs
from my D.Ts.
I crack a beer and
light a smoke. The hairy dog is hell. I choke it down with force of will and an
I'm still drunk from
last night. I Might as well stay drunk for tonight. What will go first, my
liver or my lungs?
Put on my shades and
beater, and throw up on my friends blue heeler. Then I drink some more because
I am young.
Get Shit faced!
I might as well just
keep drinking. What the hell-fire am I thinking? I don't care, I'll have
another round. I Burn the wick at both ends, while I make love to my liquid
friend, and soon I will be face first on the ground. I wake up in a pool of my
own filth. I finally banged that milf, but I passed out before I got off rocks.
Now I better dry out, for a couple days at least. My bloody ulcer made me puke
up on my socks.
Get shit faced! |